Some More

I absolutely LOVE seeing intimate moments like these! For some reason, I ruled out not seeing Mike before the ceremony. I wish I would have seriously considered it. I know there's not a one size fits all, but as a now wife and photographer, I can't get enough of the "first look" of the bride and groom. Plus, it gives you that much more time to enjoy your day, family, friends, and photos! As a photographer, I'm allowed special access to see these moments first hand. Aubrey couldn't run fast enough to Laura. At one point, Laura jumped up and down saying "we're getting married!" Don't worry - there are LOTS more to come, but I know they (or at least her mom) is dying to see some more!

After a few moments of the two of them enjoying each other, Aubrey stepped back and took a good long look at his bride. He noticed even the small details...all those buttons! (Don't worry, it was really a zipper.)

1 comment:

  1. My goodness, if these are just the previews, (and I'm already smiling this much), I'm not sure how the finished package will affect me. I'll just have to take Advil for sore cheek muscles.

    My heart if so overjoyed with the love that these two have for each other and the breathtaking way you captured it all.

    Thank-you Sara & Mike.
