the not so good part about fall

I love the fall! Texas and Florida have no idea what fall or autumn really mean. If you have ever lived outside of those two states, you know the true beauty of leaves changing colors, jumping in a pile of leaves, pumpkin baked goods, and REAL football weather. It provides a great backdrop for those holiday cards and sometimes perfect weather. Last Saturday, was less than ideal. 44 degrees and wet! It was only misting when we arrived, but it only let up for minutes at a time. These two families were great sports! With three little kids, I wasn't sure what to expect, but I think we made out with some great photos. Thanks for being such great sports! (Most of you wouldn't even be able to tell how uncomfortable it was.)

These three girls are ADORABLE! Although I don't have any kids yet, these three make me wonder why. LOVE them!

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