We are pleased to announce the finalists for the Share the Love Giveaway. Be sure to show some LOVE here in the comments section or on Facebook to vote. Votes will be accepted through the end of February.

Kevin and Mary
Kevin and I met a few years ago at a friend's BBQ. We hit it off very well from the beginning, but we both were simply looking for a friend and nothing more. As time passed by, I got to know Kevin a little better and became very interested in him, but it wasn't until December of 2010 that we started officially dating. In October of 2011 we gathered at a family dinner, his parents all the way from Turkey and mine, where he began to give a speech. I lost my older brother back in April of last year, and this was one of the first times I got to see my parents smiling again. During Kevin's speech he mentioned how we met, and how he knew from day one that our connection was deeper than he could ever imagine, and next thing you know he got down on one knee. This was the best feeling I have ever had in one single moment in my life. I am so deeply in love with him, for him to propose meant the world to me, as I knew at that moment the feelings he had for me were mutual. Kevin and I have come a long way in our relationship, and we both compliment each other in every way possible. Kevin is a 33 year-old from Turkish background, and I am a 24 year-old girl from a Venezuelan/Italian background; so it is a perfect combination of different cultures and ages, bringing the best in each other. If I believe in love, and a soul mate, and a perfect match, it is because of him and I.